Puerto Rico

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Destination: Lilly

Destination: Lilly
By: Lillian Bocquin

As a little girl I wanted to be a marine biologist

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Marine Biologist picture most likely taken near the Galapagos Islands.

I loved the ocean and everything in it and even at a young age I knew the point to life was doing what you love and working for that as much as you can. Now that I’m older, I still have the same mentality about life but I have a different passion that I am choosing to follow. And this passion is what truly makes me the person I am and helps define my place in life.

I love people. I pursue others and seek out what I can do for them. If I was a destination, it would be best described as a visitor center. I love pointing people in the right direction, welcoming them into my life and sharing experiences with them. I have come to appreciate and embrace all of the influence I have received from other people, and I feel sharing my life with other people is the most important thing I can do.

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Photo taken by Kevin Duong at Soonerthon 2017. 

Because I find myself in other people, I do not consider one place or one person as my home. The places that I have felt most at home are those with a welcoming atmosphere. I believe I have the power to make anywhere my home if I want to see it that way, and I can also make anywhere seem like a home for others.

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