Puerto Rico

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Language of Love

By: Kathryn Collins

Preparing to plunge into the realms of an unknown, foreign land can rattle your nerves. Questions of fear continuously run through your mind like a pet hamster peddling on its never-ending wheel. How will the people treat me? Will I get lost? Did I pack everything? Will my luggage get lost? Am I going to be dressed appropriately? And most importantly, will I be able to understand them and will they be able to understand me?

The locals of Puerto Rico have mastered the task of learning three languages: Spanish, English, and “Spanglish.” Many of the Puerto Ricans have gone out of their way to learn all three, which helps them to cater to the clueless visitors who have been ignorant enough to stick to only learning one language their entire lives. When you enter a store or get lost on the street or order a plate of rice of beans, the majority of people you speak with will not have a problem understanding you and helping you in the best way they can. However, the comfort of them understanding the words that came out of my mouth was not the way they connected with me the most. The language that the exquisite people of Puerto Rico have learned down to a tee is the language of love. It is evident in the way the locals treat others that they genuinely care about the people put into their lives, whether they are their closest friend or a complete stranger touring the new, fresh island. The Puerto Rican's strongest form of communication is a warm smile, a welcoming kiss on the cheek, or uncontrollable laughter. Not only do the locals cater to the tourists by learning their speaking language, but also they choose to communicate in the most welcoming form of love.

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