Puerto Rico

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Enriching Experience Abroad

By: Sean Parks
There are several immediate thoughts that come to mind when asked why I want to study abroad in Puerto Rico. At first, it is hard to come up with consolidated reasons for wanting to study abroad, but then I realize that I have a definite list.
            Culture has always been something that my family has taught me to value. They always encouraged me to explore what the world has to offer, whether it was through traveling or experiencing culture on a first hand basis. I always kept these values with me, so when then opportunity to study abroad in Puerto Rico came available, I knew that this was the perfect chance for me to begin my adventure into the world abroad.
            The Spanish culture has always been something that I have enjoyed studying. Puerto Rico is a country that is rich with traditions that would be great to analyze. Since we will be in Puerto Rico to learn the techniques of travel writing, it would pair nicely with what I am interested in.
            Engaging and understanding Puerto Rican society is my final reason for wanting to study abroad. Even though they have adopted some American customs, they still have maintained original values that are native to them. I am interested in interacting with the local people and enjoying my time in the beautiful country.
            This is an experience that I would hate to miss and is worth more than any dollar amount. The memories that I will have from Puerto Rico will last a lifetime.


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